Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Ever since moving out into Dekalb, my consumption of new movies has slowed considerably. The only movie I can think of that I've gone to see are Alice in Wonderland and Precious, both with my friend Sasha, both during breaks back home in Chicago, and neither of which I had any intention on seeing until perhaps the day the idea came about.

all the moves I've wanted to see- Kick Ass, Avatar, Greenberg, Where the Wild Things Are, Death at a Funeral, Shutter Island (which I later watched on the computer), I haven't seen. It makes me feel out of touch- I haven't watched more than two minutes of the Oscars this year (Ben Stiller's painful Avatar spoof), because I hadn't seen any of the films except Precious. I haven't been that out of touch, literally, since perhaps 7th grade. Maybe not even then. Oh well. I'll just have to become more vigilant about watching movies on the internet. I mean...going to pay to see them.

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